• Question: How does bacteria change food into a different food?

    Asked by Martin375 to Kenzi, Avani, Jeff, Lindsay, Zoe on 19 May 2015. This question was also asked by Teamfire321, #princess204.
    • Photo: Zoe GetmanPickering

      Zoe GetmanPickering answered on 19 May 2015:

      Flavors and textures in food are made from all sorts of chemicals (sugars, fats proteins, flavenoids, acids, phenolics and more). Bacteria can break down chemicals to create new ones. Some bacteria and yeasts consume sugars and poop out alcohol. Others poop out acids that make cheeses and vinegars. Yeasts eat sugar and poop out carbon dioxide. This makes beer and champagne fizzy, or it fills bread dough with bubbles so its fluffy when you bake it.

    • Photo: K. Lindsay Hunter

      K. Lindsay Hunter answered on 19 May 2015:

      As Zoe said, it’s a matter of chemical digestion—whether or not the result is edible or “food,” is a matter of your personal taste (Ewwww—stinky cheese and beer! Gross!)! 🙂

    • Photo: Kenzi Clark

      Kenzi Clark answered on 19 May 2015:

      Gosh ladies, thanks for handling that question for me! Perfect answers!

    • Photo: Jeff Shi

      Jeff Shi answered on 20 May 2015:

      Don’t forget the special cheeses that are only made with certain strains of bacteria!
